towards the end I started to realise that, I had uncounciously done something years ago which stopped me basically destroying everything..... i had never realised it before, and it made me smile... Im didn't 'publish' what I wrote because, the person I was, isn't who I am now... and thats another reason for deleting all them other posts from this site.
Im finally ok with it all....I may explain it sometimes but for now, Im just happy.
I'm glad your happy!! You deserve it, we all do xx
what was the thing that made you change? can you tell us that? I'm glad you are getting things sorted in your head, but don't think about it too much else it might make you go crazy!
Life is too short mate, whatever you do, be happy.
Hey Jo Just wondered where you had got to? Probably having a life and forgotten about us! Gemma xx
Jo!!! What's been happening with you? I miss you!!! If your on facebook look me up Victoria Glen, I miss your news xx
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